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GPS - (Global Positioning System)
Intelligent Vehicle Guard Controllers.


AVL - AUTOMATIC VEHICLE LOCATION - Nova* Stars* Electronics, Saudi Arabia

This system, using GPS (Global Positioning Satellite) shows the location of any vehicle in a network or fleet. It can also be used to track cars or trucks, marine vessels or airplane movement within given areas.

In order to use AVL, all vehicles in a network must be equipped with a mobile radio transceiver, a GPS receiver, GPS modem and a GPS antenna. The base must have a PC computer station as well as a GPS receiver and interface.


At the base, an operator will physically see the location of any vehicle and its movement on a digitized map from his computer screen.


Digitized maps are necessary to operate the system, any standard street map could be reproduced to work in a GPS network.

For more information, please Email




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 Alrashid Cyber Mall, member of The Saudi Network, Trade and business informations and links to Saudi arabia, arabian gulf and middle east area.
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1001 Arabian Network, Alrashid Cyber Mall and The Saudi Network are members of Nova* Stars* Information Services
The Saudi Network, Trade and business information and links to
Saudi Arabia, Arabian Gulf and Middle East Area.

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